In a heartwarming display of cross-border friendship, Indian actor Ameesha Patel is set to join Pakistani actor Imran Abbas in Dubai to promote the latter's upcoming film Jee Ve Sohneya Jee. The announcement was made in a social media buzz as Ameesha took to Instagram to share the exciting news. “Hi guys, this is Ameesha Patel and I am coming to Dubai on the 14th of February to the Dubai Mall at 5 pm to support my friend Imran Abbas’ beautiful film, Jee Ve Sohneya Jee,” the actor expressed her enthusiasm for flying to Dubai as a heartwarming gesture. Describing Imran’s latest venture, she called the film “a beautiful magical love story with a beautiful musical journey, especially on Valentine’s Day for all those in love.” Making his Punjabi film debut, Imran will be returning to the Indian big screen eight years after delighting fans with a guest appearance in Karan Johar’s 2016 Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. The actor will be starring opposite Indian actor Simi Chahal in Thaparr’s directorial, slated for February 16 release. In her supportive video message, Ameesha gushed, “I am so looking forward to seeing this lovely romantic film as I’m a romantic at heart and I know that Imran always gives the most spectacular performances and is so cute in these kinds of love stories.” The Ehraam-e-Junoon actor reposted Ameesha’s Story with appreciation, “Love you, my dear Ameesha.” Imran and the Gadar 2 actor made headlines in 2022 when a viral video sparked rumours of the duo being romantically involved. However, it was made clear that their friendship story began years ago when they were fellow students in the United States. The duo, both pursuing their academic dreams, formed a strong bond that has stood the test of time. Their deep connection caught the spotlight when they were spotted together in Bahrain, rekindling their friendship in a heartwarming reunion. Brushing off rumours about them dating, Ameesha told Hindustan Times, “I read them too and had a huge laugh about it. The whole thing is just crazy and full of silliness. I was meeting my buddy after so many years. So, it was just a catch-up.” The Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai actor also spoke about the viral aforementioned video. She later posted the same video on her Instagram. "He happens to love that song of mine. It’s his favourite song... We just did an impromptu thing, which was recorded by a friend. It came out so cute, so we posted it. It was not planned,” she further shared. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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