Seems like Deepika Padukone and Hrithik Roshan's latest propaganda film, Fighter, couldn't really fly past the first week of release! The Siddharth Anand's 'war' drama crashed at the box office as Indian media labelled the film a flop a week after it hit the screens. As per Pinkvilla, the movie received a positive reception, emerging as the leader in global box office rankings during its initial weekend, surpassing even Hollywood productions in its home country. Despite the promising start and positive buzz, Anand found himself facing a significant downturn at the box office on Monday. On the fifth day, Fighter witnessed a significant decline at the box office, recording an estimated collection of only INR70-80 million. This marks nearly a 70% drop from its opening day (INR240 million) and an over 82% decline from its second day (INR410 million) on Republic Day. As of the fifth day, Fighter's total earnings are approximately INR1.30 billion. The substantial decrease in collections raises concerns about the film's ability to reach the INR2 billion mark in India. Even if it achieves this milestone, it may not be sufficient considering the reported budget of the film is INR2.50 billion. At the worldwide box office, Fighter now stands at an estimated INR2.15 billion. As for Roshan, Fighter is now on its course to be his second flop in a row after the failure of Vikram Vedha in 2022. Much to Padukone's fans' dismay, tt will bring an end to the star's successful streak at the box office, which commenced with Pathaan last year, and mark a significant setback for director Anand, experiencing his first flop in his 19-year career as a director. Initial reviews present a nuanced tapestry of critiques, blending disappointment with concerns over the film's handling of sensitive themes. Journalist Haroon Rashid did not mince words in his assessment of Fighter, as per a TikTok video. He described it as "one of the most offensive, insulting, disgusting, manipulative pieces of propaganda" to come out of Bollywood. He expressed deep disappointment with the stars involved, emphasising how upset he was with their participation in a project that, according to him, "distorts facts to such an extent that it puts forward a version of history that didn't happen and instigates hatred amongst communities." The BBC reviewer repetitively conveyed his shock at the film's content, deeming it deeply unsettling. Fighter seems to have sparked controversy and divided opinions in its early reviews, with critics pointing out issues related to narrative choices, portrayal of history, and technical execution. As audiences flock to theatres, the film's success and reception will likely be shaped by how viewers engage with its content and themes. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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