Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor celebrated a momentous occasion as their daughter, Raha Kapoor, turned one. The proud parents hosted a warm and intimate house party, surrounded by family. The celebration exuded simplicity and elegance, keeping the focus on the joy Raha has brought into everyone's lives. Known for their effortless style, the actors opted for casual attire, radiating happiness and contentment. The culinary delights were a highlight of the event, with The Private Chefs Club's head chef, Harsh Dixit, sharing the mouthwatering menu on social media. Guests savoured treats like fries, ribbon sandwiches, and Brie chilli cheese toast. The kitchen was decorated with an adorable menu display, complete with two panda bears for a touch of whimsy. Alia's sister, Shaheen Bhatt, gave everyone a glimpse of the celebration through her Instagram. She shared a heartfelt photo of a pink personalized cookie shaped like the number 1, bearing Raha's name. Shaheen expressed her love, writing, "Time flies when you’re having fun. Happy Birthday my bean – there is no greater joy than loving you." She also revealed an elegantly adorned corner featuring an illuminated numeric '1' crafted from LED lights and a backdrop of cheerful balloons. The guest list included prominent figures from the Bollywood industry. Kareena Kapoor, accompanied by her sons Jeh and Taimur Ali Khan, brought their star power to the event. Mahesh Bhatt and Karisma Kapoor were also in attendance. Alia and Ranbir shared glimpses of the celebration on their social media platforms, being careful not to reveal their daughter's face. They captured moments like Raha playfully messing up a cake with her tiny hands, the family holding flowers together, and a jukebox playing Edith Piaf's La Vie En Rose. In a heartfelt birthday wish, Alia expressed her love for Raha, reminiscing about the time she played the same song for her daughter while she was in her tummy. She wrote, "Our joy, our life... our light! It feels like just yesterday we were playing this song for you while you were in my tummy kicking away. There’s nothing to say, only that we’re blessed to have you in our lives. You make every day feel like a full creamy yummy delicious piece of cake. Happy birthday baby tiger... we love you more than love itself." Raha's first birthday celebration was a beautiful representation of the love and happiness shared by Alia and Ranbir as they embrace parenthood. With a star-studded guest list, delectable cuisine, and heartwarming moments, the celebration marked the beginning of a lifetime of joy for little Raha. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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