Maneesh Sharma's directorial venture Tiger 3, featuring Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, and Emraan Hashmi in pivotal roles, is now gracing cinema screens. This sequel to Tiger Zinda Hai and the fifth installment in the Yash Raj Films' Spy Universe picks up the thrilling narrative from Tiger Zinda Hai, War, and Pathaan. As Tiger and Zoya mark their heroic return to save the country, not everyone is sharing the excitement surrounding the film. Indian actor and critic Kamaal Rashid Khan, popularly known as KRK, has launched a fierce broadside against Tiger 3 for staging Pakistan as the plot’s central focus. The critic took to social media platform X to share a series of disgruntled posts relaying his dispute, slamming producer Aditya Chopra. “Dear Adi Chopra, if you wanted to make a film about politics and situation of Pakistan, then you could have made a Pakistani film, not a Hindi film,” he wrote. Dear Adi Chopra, if you wanted to make a film about politics and situation of Pakistan, then you could have made a Pakistani film, not a Hindi film #Tiger3? You have wasted my time, money and energy. So I will file a case in consumer court for sure. — KRK (@kamaalrkhan) November 12, 2023 KRK threatened legal action, stating, “You have wasted my time, money, and energy. So I will file a case in consumer court for sure.” In another post, the actor expressed how he felt robbed by the film’s false promise. “I went to watch film Tiger 3 because I thought that the story of the film would be about India.” “If I knew that the story of the film would be about Pakistan only, then I would never have gone to theatre because I am least interested in watching a film about Pakistan. It’s 100% cheating," he went on to declare. Addressing Aditya once again, KRK questioned the motivation behind Tiger 3’s investment in Pakistan’s geopolitics. I went to watch film #Tiger3 because I thought that the story of the film will be about India. If I knew that the story of the film will be about Pakistan only, then I will never go to theatre. Because I am least interested to watch a film about Pakistan. It’s 100% cheating. — KRK (@kamaalrkhan) November 12, 2023 He wrote, “Please tell me, why would I want to know how Benazir Bhutto became PM? How was she running the government of Pakistan? How was she killed? You are mentally bankrupt if you want to show such a film to Indian people. Have some shame.” Mr. Adi Chopra, pls tell me, why do I want to know, how Benazir Bhutto did become PM? How she was running govt of Pakistan? How she was killed? You are mentally bankrupt if you want to show such a film to Indian people. Have some shame. Aaa Thooo! — KRK (@kamaalrkhan) November 12, 2023 Continuing his trolling, KRK made a post disparaging the film’s plot as nothing beyond manufacturing friendship between RAW and ISI. “They all are in Pakistan to save the life of Pakistan PM Benazir Bhutto, because Emraan Hashmi wants to kill her to become PM,” he said. Story of #Tiger3 Raw + ISI = All Become Friends! They all are in Pakistan to Save life of Pakistan PM Benazir Bhutto, because Emraan Hashmi wants to kill her to become PM. It’s one of the most Wahiyat film of the century. So I give 0*. — KRK (@kamaalrkhan) November 12, 2023 Giving it a zero-star rating, KRK termed Tiger 3 “one of the most wahiyat (obscene) films of the century”. The critic also accused Aditiya and production team of lying to people about guest appearances from Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan. While Hrithik does not appear at all, KRK claimed, Shah Rukh’s cameo is limited to one scene only. Adi Chopra did lie to fool people by giving fake news of guest appearances of #JNTR and #HrithikRoshan in his film #Tiger3! While Only #SRK is in the film for a single scene and nobody else. — KRK (@kamaalrkhan) November 12, 2023 SRK is having only one Wahiyat scene in #Tiger3! And SRK has easily defeated Mithun Da in that scene. It’s a big lie that SRK is having 20 minutes role. Makers are lying to fool the people. — KRK (@kamaalrkhan) November 12, 2023 Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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