Think and grow Rich Book Summary - Secrets revealed


Think and Grow Rich book summary

Napoleon Hill was a journalist and writer. He was invited to visit Andrew Carnegie. One of the richest people in history, Andrew said to him, "I'll open the doors for the 500 richest Americans, so you can interview with them, take all their information, and put it in a series of books, to help other young people and make them rich much faster. But I will not pay you a cent. What are you going to do?

46 seconds later Napoleon said, Okay, I'll do it.

The result was a 250-page book called Think and Grow Rich.

It is organized into 13 steps to get rich.


Step One: Desire

Not hope, not wish but powerful and burning desire. This, perhaps the most important step, is why Napoleon put it at the beginning of the book, think and grow rich.


The six steps to turning a wish into a financial benefit are:


1.       - Have in mind the amount of money you want.

2.       - Decide when you plan to start donating the money you want

3.       - Establish a specific date when you aim to have the money you desire

4.       - Create a plan to fulfill your wish, and use it

5.       - Write down the amount of money you wish for, the date you will receive it, and your plan for getting there.

6.       Your statement could be:

I wish a million dollars. I will receive it on September 2, 2022. My plan is to sell one million ebooks and digital products for wealthy people and young entrepreneurs who want to transform their life and life style.

Read your written statement aloud twice a day. See and feel you already have that money.



Step 2: Faith

Faith is an emotionally charged relationship. Faith is an attitude that is not to be taken for granted or is a result of repeated convictions or instructions in the sense that you do not know anything, by means of a law or an automatic proposal.

You become a believer after you become familiar with the 13 principles found in this book, but especially the general suggestion, from which we can learn.


Step 3: Automatic Suggestions

Automatic suggestion is a controlling entity that can voluntarily feed one's mind unconsciously on the creative thoughts of creation, or, inadvertently, allow destructive natural thoughts to enter this rich field of mind. It supports the first two principles of desire and faith.


Before moving on to the next steps, repeat six steps from the first step. When you read aloud your written statement, Napoleon insists that you attach emotion and emotion to it, because your unconscious mind only works on emotionally charged thoughts.

Becoming a millionaire by selling one million ebooks and digital products for wealthy people and young entrepreneurs who want to transform their life and life style.


Step 4: Special Information

Let me ask you a question. Do you prefer to do 10 jobs worth $ 10 an hour, or one job worth $ 100 dollars an hour?


A brain surgeon is paid a lot more for his specialized knowledge, than to make a jack-of-all-trades with the usual experience of plumbing, bricklaying, and gardening.


Henry Ford was called an ignorant activist, and he was summoned to court. They asked him such questions as:

How many English soldiers did he send to America to put down the 1776 Revolution?

Henry replied, "If I want to answer this stupid question you just asked me, or other questions you have been asking me, let me remind you that I have a list of power buttons on my desk, and by pushing the right button, I can call men to help me answer any question I wish about. Now you can kindly tell me why I should fill my mind with common knowledge in order to be able to answer questions, When I have men around me can you give me any information I need?

That is Network powerful show


Successful people are in control of their destiny. Andrew Carnegie admitted that he did not know much about the technical side of his steel business, but it was unnecessary, because he had employees with that kind of knowledge.


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Step 5: Thinking

It has been said that man can create anything he can think of.

Thinking is needed to turn a desire into a reality.

A real, practical example I have seen of using imagination to acquire wealth, was when I was actively involved in the eBook publishing community.

Amazon paid publishers for each page a reader reads, so if I had a 100-page book, then read 50 pages, I would say, one cent per page, and 50 cents per 50 pages.


Someone used their imagination, and came up with the idea of ​​translating the book into many languages, and then he added the English version. In addition to getting into the technology of how Amazon pays for publishers, they have been able to use this strategy ten times to their advantage.


It doesn't matter morally; it's a clear example of how thinking can make you rich.


Step 6: Systematic Planning

If you want to get rich, you need a plan. Mentioned below are four steps to keep in mind:


1. Form a team or team of intellectuals, who combine knowledge and effort, in a spirit of understanding, between two or more people, to find a specific purpose.


2. Decide what you can offer members of your main team for their collaboration. No one wants leeches to choose the brains of others without giving a price.


3. Meet with your team members twice a week, and as often as possible. And


4. Keep a good relationship with the rest of the team.


These four things will help turn your plan into action. If the system does not work, replace it with a new system.


Step 7: Decision

People who fail to make money are easily influenced by the opinions of others. Family and friends often catch you, whether they have good intentions or not. Make your own decisions. Failing people tend to make decisions less frequently, and change them more often.

Entrepreneurs can identify this as shiny object syndrome, in which a new idea or tendency attracts, and you end up leaving your real purpose or decision.

I have failed to create niche sites researching domain names and building a book publishing business, because I have never fully committed myself to a specific decision.


Napoleon analyzed hundreds of billions, found that each of them had a tendency to make decisions quickly, and changed decisions a little, if they were changed and when.


This blog is becoming more and more successful, because earlier this year, I made the right decision. I can attach it by the end of the year, and have reached 10,000 subscribers. We are planning now 16,000 with two months to go.


Step 8: Persistence

There is not much you can say here. Wealthy people persevere. The stronger your desire, the more likely you are to persist. The smart team will help you too. Colonel Sanders, founder of the fast food company KFC, failed 1,009 times before selling his Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe.


Step 9: Power of Mastermind

To refresh your memory, mastermind is a combination of knowledge and effort in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, to find a specific purpose. The biggest benefit of masterminds is collaboration. One combination equals three.

This is the same idea as Stephen Covey's Win-win goal.


The minds within a group become something more than the sum of their parts, so great things can be achieved.


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Step 10: The Mystery of Sex Trasmution

Destroy the sex glands, either in man or animal, and remove the main source of action. The bull has peace as a cow, after it changed sexually. Sexual desire is one of the powerful human desires. Men who have sex regularly have an idea, courage, strength, perseverance, and creative ability. It is a powerful driving force that can be transferred to other creative objects.

One of the most successful entrepreneurs in this country has admitted that his charming secretary is responsible for many of the programs he has created. His presence greatly elevated him to the idea of ​​creation.


Step 11: Uncertainty Of Mind

Good and bad feelings cannot stay in the mind at the same time. It is your job to discover and bring it out.


The following strong emotions that you feel are:

·         Desire

·         Faith

·         Love

·         Sex

·         Enthusiasm

·         Hope


Napoleon encourages us to develop the habit of using these positive emotions. Maybe you can show love today by hugging someone.


Step 12: The Brain

I don't know what Napoleon was smoking when he wrote this chapter. If there is a point in the book where it will stop reading, here it is. But, nevertheless, my understanding is that there is this unified mind that we can all enter into by releasing the right frequency from our brains, or something like that. His explanation seemed to go hand in hand with the psychological experience.


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There is one last step called The Sixth Sense,


Step 13: The Sixth Sense


According to Napoleon, the sixth concept cannot be explained. It will not be explained to anyone who is unfamiliar with some of the principles of this philosophy, for such a person is now knowledgeable, and has no knowledge of the sixth sense with which to compare.


I cannot fully comprehend any of the practical wisdom contained in this chapter, however, so having said that, let us review the 13 steps of riches that we have covered.

Step One: Desire

Step 2: Faith

Step 3: Automatic Suggestions

Step 4: Special Information

Step 5: Thinking

Step 6: Systematic Planning

Step 7: Decision

Step 8: Persistence

Step 9: Power of Mastermind

Step 10: The Mystery of Sex Trasmution

Step 11: Uncertainty Of Mind

Step 12: The Brain

Step 13: The Sixth Sense


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